About OpenRank
This project mainly uses
Laravel - A PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax following the MVC architectural pattern.
- Laravel Voyager - A Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and much more.
- Migrations Generator - A Laravel package that generates Laravel Migrations from an existing database, including indexes and foreign keys.
- Inverse Seed Generator - A Laravel package that provides a method to generate a new seed file based on data from the existing database table.
- Laravel Voyager - A Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and much more.
Docker Engine - A software platform designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
- Laradock - A full PHP development environment for Docker.
Vue Js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework.
- Vue Router - The official router for Vue Js.
- Vuex - A state management pattern + library for Vue Js applications.
- Vuex-Router Sync - Syncs vue-router's current $route as part of vuex store's state.
- Vuetify - Material Design Component Framework
- Vee Validate - Template Based Validation Framework for Vue Js
- Material Design Bootstrap (Vue Version) - Material Design Vue Bootstrap UI Kit.
- Bootstrap - An open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS.
- Vue Notification - A VueJs 2 library for showing notifications .
- Vue Select - A Vue.js select component that provides similar functionality to Select2/Chosen without the overhead of jQuery.
Docusaurus - Makes it easy to maintain Open Source Documentation Websites.