Contributing to Backend
Running Locally
First make sure that the docker is installed correctly.
If you do not have docker installed, you can follow the instructions in the official docs and follow the relevant instructions based on your operating system.
# Clone the Repo
git clone
# Navigate to OpenRank directory
cd OpenRank
# Laravel uses "dot-env" for managing environment variables.
# Create ".env" file from ".env-example" file
cp .env.example .env
# Navigate to "laradock" directory
cd laradock
# Create .env file for LaraDock
cp env-example .env
# Build the environment and run it using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
# Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, Gulp, …)
docker-compose exec workspace bash
# Install the composer dependencies
composer install
# Set the application key
php artisan key:generate
# Install the npm dependencies
npm install && npm run dev
# Install voyager and run the migrations
php artisan voyager:install
# Seed the database
php artisan db:seed
# Seeding will create three users - 1 AdminUser, 1 NormalUser and 1 CompanyUser
# Admin User Credentials (email:, password: password)
# Normal User Credentials (email:, password: password)
# Company User Credentials (email:, password: password)
# You can also create your own admin user using the following command
# and follow the instructions to set name and password of admin
# php artisan voyager:admin --create
# To exit the workspace container, simply enter the following command
- You can view the application at http://localhost
- To view the admin panel, navigate to http://localhost/admin and enter the admin credentials that were created earlier.