Other Instructions
Run the following commands wherever/whenever necessary.
All of the following commands should be run in the workspace
To Enter workspace container, enter the following command.
docker-compose exec workspace bash
Generating migrations and seeds
Run the following commands only if you created any new tables and breads from voyager admin panel
php artisan migrate:generate table1,table2
php artisan iseed data_types, data_rows, menus, menu_items, roles, \
permissions,permission_role,settings,translations --classnameprefix=OpenRank
For Seeding the database
Run the following commands if new files are added to the database/seeds
composer dump-autoload
# (Recommended)
# You could add seeds of only the newly added/updated seed files by specifying the class
php artisan db:seed --class=OpenRankUsersTableSeeder
# Else if you want to seed the entire database again, run the following command
php artisan db:seed
# In case of any error, run "php artisan migrate:fresh" before "php artisan db:seed"
# Note:-
# "php artisan migrate:fresh" will drop all the tables and runs the all migrations again
Updating voyager config
Run the following commands if you change config/voyager.php
php artisan config:cache
Docker related commands
All of the following commands should be run after navigating to laradock
# To Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, Gulp, …)
docker-compose exec workspace bash
# To Exit the Workspace container, after entering the Workspace container
# To Enter the mysql container
docker-compose exec mysql bash
# To Exit the mysql container
# To build the initial environment using nginx and mysql
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
# To build mysql container (Optionally, you can add --no-cache as an argument)
docker-compose build mysql
Laravel Related Commands
All of the following commands should be run after entering the workspace container.
# If the images are not being rendered, run the following command
php artisan storage:link
# To generate Laravel application key, run the following command
php artisan key:generate
# To view the list of routes, run the following command
php artisan route:list